Keahi Pelayo
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Company: KU Realty, LLC
Product/Service: MBC CMDB with Real Estate/Escrow Module
Thank you for setting up the E-Blast with the MBC Contact Manager. It has been a huge success. Many phone calls and positive responses to the email.
I have been using contact management tools since the 1980's. Prior to utilizing MBC's Data Base, I used a competing product for nearly 5 years. I began using the MBC Data Base in 1995 and it delivers all of the tools necessary to communicate with clients and potential clients. The seamless integration between traditional letters, faxes, telephones and Email is awesome! If you need to maintain contact with many people, I know of no other tool which provides so much power and stability.
On a final note, any computer product is only as good as the support you receive. Ernest Abrams is accessible and supports this product in a manner other companies should emulate.
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