Leslie Kim - Senior Vice President Finance
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Name: Leslie Kim - Senior Vice President Finance
Company: Sheila Donnelly and Associates
Date: 9/27/2010
Product/Service: MBC Contact Manager and Support Services
Since 1999, The MBC Contact Manager has been one of our critical public relations/operational tools. We use it to manage and communicate with our contacts, media, vendors, clients and so much more. It performs a multitude of powerful tasks (correspondence, broadcast Emails, keyword management, follow-up, history, etc.) and has been very easy for our staff and management to learn and utilize. We benefit from it EVERYDAY in our office.
Being in the public relations business, we have to be very responsive to our clients and our data is very precious to us. MBC is real team player and professional when it comes to being reliable, protecting our data and keeping our best interest in mine.
The MBC Contact Manager along with MBC's guidance, support and technology has been a great investment. I highly recommend MBC and the MBC Contact Manager if managing your contacts efficiently is critical to your success.
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