Patrick Ching / Patrick Ching Art
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Name: Patrick Ching / Patrick Ching Art
Title: Owner
Date: 6/13/2011
Product/Service: MBC Website Solution
Web Site:
Ernest's commitment to building an effective website has allowed me to focus my time on being an artist and not worry about the technical details of running a website and managing my social media.
Ernest has proven to me that he is able to design and manage a site that can generate revenue through the workshop signup forms, online art transactions and in particular the newsletter solution that he maintains for me.
Previously I was using one of the popular email broadcast services that was costing me a lot of money every month and it did not include the ability for me to post my newsletter on my website. With MBC's Newsletter Technology, I am now able to deliver my newsletter through email and populate in on my website (search engine optimization). This synergy has generated a significant amount of engagement, revenue and opportunities.
Ernest helps me respond swiftly to customers letting them know the status of their orders and maintaining them as repeat clients.
I appreciate the excellent service from Ernest who is always willing to answer my questions and develop technologies and strategies that will help improve my website. He is constantly redefining what it means to deliver a total website solution.
Mahalo Ernest!
Patrick Ching
Web Site:
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