Artist / Art Gallery Ecommerce Website Solution
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In these challenges economic times, many individuals and companies are seeking a cost-effective Web site solution that gives a return on investment.
The MBC Artist Website solution is ideal for the professional artist, galleries and hobbyist alike. This content-rich and functional website solution provides the artist with an excellent way to showcase recent pieces and archive a multitude of images. This makes it easy to both manage inventory and present a portfolio of art to customers, allowing them to view and buy pieces online. The MBC Artist/Gallery solution websites also engages the audience with videos, sweepstakes, mailing lists and current event calendars and more.
This solution is loaded with great features all included for one low flat fee that includes a website maintenance feature that eliminates any website maintenance cost... the biggest challenge for artists/galleries when hiring a webmaster.
The success of the Artist Website Solution is made possible by MBC's unique technology, including MBC Directory Maker and Website Tools.
Keep you cost low and income high with a MBC Website solution.
- Detailed Art Showroom featuring prints/limited editions, originals, images by category and much more. View sample.
- Detailed artwork profile for limited edition prints, originals, sculptures, etc. Includes online shopping cart for each edition, size, etc. (see details below).
- View original sample
- Other art related support pages (i.e. about, framing, consignment, licensing, etc.)
- Ecommerce shopping cart to purchase any available limited edition immediately.
- Setup and maintenance of Facebook Fan Page and Twitter account.
- Support and execution of newsletter (website and eblast).
- Custom Unique Order/Inquiry Form for each Original Piece
- Support for multiple, mediums, artists, etc.
- Art FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) Area
- Art Testimonial System
- MBC EMailer (Broadcast Email Management System)
- Access to MBC Content Management System
- Home Page Publishing/Management System
- News Publishing System
- Site Directory
- SEO Optimization (Search Engine Optimization)
- Site Design, Navigation and Architecture
- Online Email List Subscription System & Setup
- Hosting Migration
- Multiple Email Accounts Setup
- Designed to handle multiple languages (i.e. Japanese)
- Anything else Ernest Abrams might deemed necessary to make sure you get a return on investment.
Entire system has been automated by MBC/Ernest Abrams.
If you are interested, call 808-739-9797 and we can explore if your needs are aligned with my solution.
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Mark N. Brown - Hawaii Fine Art Artist Website Solution Testimonial
Name: Mark N. Brown
Title: Hawaii Artist and Instructor
Service / Products: Database & Website Solutions
Comments:Less than a year since the launch of my new website, Ernest's hard work, dedication and MBC Website Solution has made a BIG difference in my business and allows me to focus on what I do best…PAINT!
It is a real pleasure to see the technology, website features and search engine optimization (SEO) that he designs and maintains generate new sales opportunities through online art transactions, custom orders, workshop sign-up forms on a regular basis.
Ernest is constantly and proactively working to maintain my website so that I can focus on being an artist without worrying about how my website is performing.
He also promotes my community service projects and keeps everyone updated with what I've been doing and painting through newsletters, news and social media (Facebook and Twitter). The website has significantly improved my branding, reputation and generating high web traffic which has helped expose me and my art to a wider audience.
The client/webmaster relationship can be delicate…Ernest has clearly demonstrated I can trust him to keep my best interest in mind.
Thank you Ernest for always being available to answer my questions and listen to my ideas and even helping me strategize on how to develop an even more successful website. I believe that the MBC Website Solution is one of the best investments I have made in years and is paying off big time.
Mark N. Brown
ref no:4588
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