7) Batch Processing Functions
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The MBC CMDB can perform robust batch processing tasks with just a few clicks.
Batch Processing Key Features
Batch Assign History
- Assign a past activity to a group of contacts.
- Example: Find all existing customers and insert in their history that you mailed them the brochure on the new widget.

Batch Assign Follow-Ups
- Assign a follow-up to a group of contacts.
- Example: Find all existing customers and create a new follow-up to call and discuss the brochure/widget mailer (includes feature for available days and number of contacts per day).

Batch Assign Keywords
- Assign a keyword to a group of contacts.
- Example: Find all existing gadget customers and assign a keyword to make them a widget prosepct.

b>Batch Remove Keywords
- Remove a keyword from a group of contacts.
- Example: Find all the widget prospects and remove widget prospect from their keyword set.
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