First Friday Honolulu Art Gallery Walk Advertising / Sponsorship
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- 5000-8000 people a month attend First Friday
- We average about 5,000-6,000 "Unique" Visitors a month
- gets about 200-300 visits per day, and about 4,000-6,000 visitors the week of each First Friday. The website spikes over 1000+ the day of First Friday. You have the opportunity reach a lot of new customers.
- Ranked # 1 on many organic Google searches related to First Friday
- Demographics: First Friday attracts single, artistic, trendy, cool, hip and sociable individuals, who are always in the know about the latest trends in fashion, music, food, business and technology.
- has been online for over 5 years and is well-respected in the local community. We work with hundreds of reputable companies that are listed in our, Calendar, News, New Listings and home page. The First Friday community likes to support the businesses that support the community.
- The First Friday community like to support the businesses that support the community.
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