MBC / Ernest Abrams Free Hawaii Neighborhood / Community Websites
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My family-friendly FREE Hawaii community websites (see links below) that have been around for over 15+ years. I used these websites as a way to give back to Hawaii and practice my passion/craft. My community websites reach tens of thousands of visitors every month.

•We have 10,000-15,000 unique visitors a month
•We have 600-900 visits a day
•10,000+ on the monthly newsletter email list
•1100+ Facebook Followers - 900+ Twitter Followers
•Ranked # 1 on many organic searches related to Kaimuki
•Demographics: Most of our visitors are people who are home owners with a middle class to upper class income.
•KaimukiHawaii.com has been online for over 15+ years and is well-respected in the local community. We work with hundreds of reputable companies that are listed in our popular pages:
•KEY LINKS: Home Page, New Listings, Calendar, News, Facebook, Twitter

•3,500+ Facebook Followers (Visit Facebook Page)
•900+ Twitter Followers (Visit Twitter Page)
•17,000+ On Email List
•300-500 Birthday Emails sent out monthly
•467 on Text Message Alert List
•3000+ webpages
•Demographics: WaikikiGetDown.com attracts individuals who want to know more about the latest restaurants, activities and events worth checking out in Waikiki. Many are local residents who like and desire to work, play and even live in Waikiki. We also attract mainland and international visitors who enjoy visiting and shopping in Waikiki, Hawaii and would also like to find out more about the newest Waikiki restaurants, shops and activities worth checking out while on vacation.
•WaikikiGetDown.com is becoming well connected with the community and growing fast. We work with hundreds of reputable companies that are listed on our popular pages.
•Here is a detailed demographic profile of the 96815 zip code.
•KEY LINKS: Home Page, Calendar, News, New Listings, Photo Gallery, Facebook, Twitter

•5000-8000 people attend First Friday Art Walk each month
•FirstFridayHawaii.com is the most comprehensive online resource for the First Friday Art Walk. Serving the community for over 9 years.
•We average about 5000-7000 unique visitors a month
•Thousands on the monthly newsletter email list
•We get about 200-300 visits to our website per day, and about 3000-4000 visits the week of First Friday, you have the opportunity reach a lot of new customers.
•2800+ Facebook Followers - 1800+ Twitter Followers
•Ranked # 1 on many organic searches related to First Friday
•Demographics: First Friday attracts single, artistic, trendy, cool, hip and sociable individuals, who are always in the know about the latest trends in fashion, music, food, business and technology.
•FirstFridayHawaii.com has been online for 10+ years and is well-respected/connected in the local community. We work with hundreds of reputable companies that are listed on our popular pages:
•KEY LINKS: Home Page, Calendar, News, New Listings, Photo Gallery, Facebook, Twitter

•2500+ webpages
•60+ maps and guides
•1500+ businesses
•100+ featured categories
•Demographics: KakaakoHawaii.com attracts individuals who want to know more about the latest restaurants, activities and events worth checking out in Kakaako - Honolulu, Hawaii. Many are local residents who like and desire to work, play and even live in Kakaako. Also mainland and international visitors who enjoy visiting and shopping in Kakaako, Hawaii and will find out more about the newest Kakaako restaurants, shops and activities worth checking out while on vacation.
•KakaakoHawaii.com community connections are growing fast. We work with hundreds of reputable companies that are listed on our popular pages on our community websites.
•Here is a detailed demographic profile of the 96814 zip code.
•KEY LINKS: Home Page, Feature Pages, Maps & Guides, Calendar, News, New Listings, Facebook, Twitter

•3000+ webpages
•2800+ businesses
•100+ featured categories
•Demographics: AlaMoanaHi.com attracts individuals who want to know more about the latest restaurants, activities and events worth checking out in Ala Moana - Honolulu, Hawaii. Many are local residents who like and desire to work, play and even live in Ala Moana Also mainland and international visitors who enjoy visiting and shopping in Ala Moana Hawaii and will find out more about the newest Ala Moana restaurants, shops and activities worth checking out while on vacation.
•AlaMoanaHi.com has just been launched (January 2016) and connections with the community are growing fast. We work with hundreds of reputable companies that are listed on our popular pages on our community websites.
•Here is a detailed demographic profile of the 96814 zip code.
•KEY LINKS: Home Page, Feature Pages, Calendar, News, Facebook, Twitter

BeachStand.com Highlights
•Featuring over 60+ of the most popular beaches of Hawaii (all popular Islands)
•Featuring the most popular shores of Hawaii (all popular Islands)
•Multiple Geo maps of beaches of Hawaii by shore, island, etc.
•Key activities for each beach (surfing, swimming, etc)
•Key amenities for each beach (parking, restrooms, food concessions, etc)
•Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram)
•Beach news & calendar postings
•Hawaii Beach Art from top Hawaii Artist
•Beach safety tips and resources (preservation, safety, etc)
•Multiple International Languages - Support over 50+ language translations
•Maps & directions for each beach
•and much more...we are just getting started.
About Ernest Abrams/MacBusiness Consulting/Testimonials
Learn about Ernest Abrams and what MacBusiness Consulting does
Learn more about me...my integrity and passion

Kaimuki, Hawaii Advertising / Sponsorship
The Kaimuki, Hawaii community is a densely populated, upscale urban neighborhood that has a It has an incredible amount of buying power. 12,000 - 16,000 unique visitors a month and 800-1000 website visits per day. More...

Waikiki Get Down .com Advertising / Sponsorship
A website for the Waikiki - Honolulu, Hawaii community. Waikiki has over 25,000+ residents who live, work, play, party in Waikiki and it is one of the most popular and frequented neighborhoods in Hawaii. More...

First Friday Honolulu Art Gallery Walk Advertising / Sponsorship
First Friday Honolulu Art Gallery walk is one of largest monthly events that draws thousands to Downtown/Chinatown during the First Friday of each month. 4,000 - 6,000 unique visitors a month and 200-300 website visits per day. More...

Kakaako, Honolulu Hawaii - Advertising / Sponsorship
Kakaako is a thriving commercial and retail community in Honolulu, Hawaii. It is situated between Ala Moana (close to Waikiki) and downtown Honolulu near the Honolulu Harbor. More...

808 Ala Moana Hawaii .com- Advertising / Sponsorship
Ala Moana ("path to the sea" in Hawaiian) is a commercial, residential and retail district in Honolulu, Hawaii. This bustling neighborhood is situated between Kaka ako and to the west and Waik k to the east. More...
ref no:23543
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