MBC/Ernest Abrams Designs and Installs Powerful FileMaker Database System for Harriet Bouslog Labor Scholarship Fund
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MBC (MacBusiness Consulting) is proud to announce the implementation of a database management solution for Harriet Bouslog Labor Scholarship Fund.
The Harriet Bouslog Labor Scholarship Fund provides financial assistance for education at any school in the University of Hawaii System to the family members of existing and retired ILWULocal142 Local 142 members as well as the members themselves.
- Scholarship System - Tracking and management of students, scholarships, campuses, contacts, documents.
- Contact Management System - Correspondence, Email, broadcast Email, keyword management, follow-up, history, batch processing features and other marketing features.
- Document Management - Complex documents tracking (transcripts, videos, correspondence, application, etc.)
- Reports - Complex reporting capabilities, integrating students, scholarships, campuses, contacts, documents
- Activity Management - Dynamic activity system (follow-ups/history)
- Multi-User programming empowering multiple users to simultaneously use database.
- Synergy - Most important is the entire solution has a high level of synergy between all key functions that allows for ease of use and significant increase in navigation, accuracy and productivity.
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Company:Harriet Bouslog Labor Scholarship Fund
Title: Director
July 2020
Ernest Abrams at Mac Business Consulting (MBC) and I began working together 25 years ago when he developed a contact manager system for Mountain Apple Company, Hawaii’s largest music entertainment company. He went on to develop an additional database for Mountain Apple Company that tracked all recordings, recording artists; publishers; songwriters and licensing aspects of our business. Both those databases are utilized every day in 2020, which speaks volumes to their efficacy.
Five years ago, I became a director of the Harriet Bouslog Labor Scholarship Fund, a charitable trust. A database had been in use using Microsoft Access. That database lacked the flexibility we needed, and I enlisted MBC to modernize and update the 30 years of data that we had already as well as develop systems for new data that will be part of future recipient records.
This process, while challenging, has resulted in an efficient method for the scholarship to track not only its current students’ details including their current transcripts, progress, entitlements and academic history. University contacts have been corralled and we are able to easily track events, history, tuition etc. Managing the scholarship has become more efficient as we can see award summary’s and track cash flow to the colleges for each student, class and academic year . We will be developing an alumni association and this tool enables us to easily reach out to our alumni back to the scholarships founding in 1989.
Our processes have been streamlined and allowed the human component of our scholarship to work on priorities that are meaningful to our recipients and the future of the scholarship itself.
Many students will benefit from the efficiency afforded to our scholarship by Ernest’s skills and patience in not only development, but also extensive training on best practices.
I would recommend MacBusiness Consultants to everyone who needs to harness data in any form and have it work for your entity.
Leah Bernstein Director
The Harriet Bouslog Labor Scholarship Fund provides financial assistance for education at any school in the University of Hawaii System to the family members of existing and retired ILWU Local 142 members as well as the members themselves, subject to a preference in favor of the children and grandchildren of active and retired members and a further preference in favor of High School seniors.
The Bouslog Labor Scholarship commemorates the historic achievements of the ILWULocal142 and encourages greater awareness and understanding of the ILWULocal142’s economic, social, and political contributions to Hawaii.
Learn more at https://harrietbouslog.com
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MacBusiness Consulting (MBC) is a full-service business development and consulting company specializing in database and website solutions.
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