Website Package Details
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A website solution from MBC means the solution includes an array of products, services, methodologies and guidance and is much more focused on the bottom line... your success.
Site Design, Navigation and Architecture
Customization of one of MBC's Website templates with your logos, graphics and colors. Define site functionality and navigation to facilitate content managementDirectory & Site Directory
Analysis, implementation and setup of the MBC DirectoryMaker system which is used to publish and manage your online directory of products, services, people, links and other directories (see below). view live Site directory and directory examplesMBC Setup of Social Networking
Analysis, implementation and setup of your Facebook Fan Page and Twitter Account. Includes implementation of Tweet and Like button on all pages of website The Facebook button uses the advanced facebook XFBML tags technology... learn more)Social Media (Facebook / Twitter / Instagram) Maintenance
We manage, edit, process, track, and post all FaceBook and Twitter activity. Our Facebook and Twitter posting and management technology is embedded directly into our family of MBC Website Tools Learn more about our technology)MBC Website FAQ (frequently asked questions) Management Solution
The MBC Website FAQ (frequently asked questions) Management Solution is a powerful database/website solution to efficiently manage our client's FAQ that conveniently provides answers to questions that customers often ask.News Publishing System
Analysis, implementation and setup of the MBC NewsMakerSystem for publishing news. (view sample)Newsletter Service (Email / Website)
You draft your newsletter in Microsoft Word and Email it to us. We take care rest... (up to 4 newsletters a year view sample)Home Page Publishing/Management System
Analysis, implementation and setup of MBC Home Page System to manage populating your home page with content from your Website. (view sample)Access to MBC Content Management System
We built our own system for you to be able to submit news, calendar and directory items to post on your Website. (view details)Form setup and CGI programming
Setup, design, programming and testing of the multiple forms to be used on the site. Contact Us and Email Page form. Others forms on a need by need basis will be created. (view sample)Email List Subscription System & Setup
System for visitors to subscribe to Email List. Includes confirmation distribution. (view sample)MBC EMailer (Broadcast Email Management System)
Setup of MBC EMailer - a system that automatically downloads and parses names and Email data from forms on your Website (i.e. Mailing List, Contact Us, Reservations, etc.) into a database system that manages and executes personalize broadcast Email campaigns. Package comes with analysis, implementation and execution of 2 blast Emails. (view details)Hosting Migration
The site needs to be setup with a new hosting company to allow for the efficient implementation of the MBC Web/Database solutions. The hosting account will be in your name and the annual cost is $131.00. Should you not want to work with MBC for any reason in the future, you retain control of the hosting account and your domain.Email Account Setup
Setup and testing of Website Email accounts (primary, info, webmaster, sales, etc.).Ernest Abrams
My commitment, passion, expertise and drive to help you get a great "return on investment"...priceless. (view testimonials)Additional Website Features and Functions Available
Additional Website features/function are available on a need by need basis. calendar/event system, Photo Gallery system,testimonial system, Japanese migration, advertising banner system, online VIP/Special offer system , Email/Online Form database extraction/parser system, Online reservation (RSVP) system , Contest/sweepstakes /giveaway system, simple survey system and much more.Advance MBC Directory Maker Features
Custom MBC Directory profiles are available on a need by need basis. For example search engine optimization, PayPal links, online shopping cart, music streaming, video streaming, advertising media profiles and more
Our website standard maintenance tasks include - News posting, newsletter posting, newsletter eblast, calendar posting, special event posting, monitor/manage site email, manage website email list, execute broadcast emails, photo gallery management, video management, social media maintenance (Facebook, Twitter, etc), search engine optimization (SEO) and any anything else MBC deems necessary to maintain a successful website that the management approves.
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