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MBC Installs Powerful Database System for Discount Windows & Doors
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MBC is proud to announce the implementation of a database management solution for Discount Windows & Doors. A large factory direct building, doors and windows company based in Hawaii.
- Proposal/Invoice Management
- Complex Pricing/Costing Management
- Purchase Order Management
- Catalog/Product/Manufacture Management
- Powerful Contact Management with correspondence, Email, keyword, follow-up, history, batch processing features and other marketing features.
- Multi-user/remote programming for a fleet of sales representatives in the office and on the road.


One stop, pleasurable buying experience for your windows, doors and building materials.
From order to installation, Discount Windows & Doors strives to make relationships with our customers as pleasant and long-lasting as our products.
Residential, commercial, condos, hurricane proof products and more...
Visit their website to learn more, get a free estimate or ask a question.
Custom Database Development
MBC can assist the streamlining of existing databases as well as develop complex relational database systems to manage your business.
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