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MBC Installs Contact Manager For Matrix Media (A Florida Based Sales And Marketing Company)
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April 3, 2017
MBC is proud to announce the successful upgrade of the MBC Contact Manager at Matrix Media (A Florida based sales and marketing company).
Key application include:
- Powerful Media Keyword Management system.
- Correspondence Layouts to efficiently generate letters, labels, faxes and E-mail.
- Robust multiple user contact marking management system
- Powerful broadcast Email System - allowing personalized Emails with HTML (images/styled text) and/or Text format directly from FileMaker Pro to an individual or a group of contacts with or without attachments.
- Emerge Project Manager - Powerful Email campaign manager system that support multiple client and multiple users.
- Robust contact Follow-Up / History System.
- Robust Batch Functions for creating/assigning Follow-Ups, History and Keywords.
- Letter Template Library - Create and edit a list of predefined letters that can be easily pasted into correspondence layouts.
- US Zip Code Lookup - Auto lookup of city and state.
- Hawaii Demographic Lookup - Auto lookup of Hawaii zipcode. Will automatically lookup the island. Also shows a Oahu region (i.e. Central Honolulu, Windward, Leeward, etc.) if applicable.
- and much more...
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Jim Cone
Company: Matrix Media of Hawaii
Product/Service: MBC CMDB
If you are talking to your clients via e-mail it is only a matter of time before you are utilizing a product like the Contact Manager.
We had been working with Ernest for a couple years and we were still hesitant to "jump in" with another database. Matrix Media finally went for it, setting up all our computers. We utilize the Contact Manager to perform HTML e-mail blasts weekly. The MBC Contact Manager is the most accountable, revenue generating database system we have utilized to date. In addition it greatly helps having Ernest, and their whole team are available if and when we need them.
We have found there is simply no end to what the Contact Manager can do.
Our recent Email broadcast was a very successful. 48 actual manual responses within the first two hours. There couldn't of been a better way to end my year than to have all this very warm correspondence flowing back and forth.
Ernest is not only great at what he does, but he forces his greatness upon me and I eat it up with tremendous gratitude.
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Many of the contact manager applications on the market today attempt to do "everything". Unfortunately, they become so complex and difficult to use that most users utilize only a small portion of overall potential.
The MBC Contact Manager Database has proven to be an "easy to use" contact manager. The bottom line is that users are performing robust contact management tasks efficiently and effectively, many of which could not get done using other contact databases.
The MBC CMDB is only sold as a package solution (template, customization and support) which ensures you will be able to use it for your work on day one. This is one of the many reasons why the MBC CMDB has been a great success and provides exceptional value for every customer who has purchased it.

Key Features
- Easy to use interface and navigation.
- Powerful On-line Help with step-by-step instructions.
- Cross-Platform Ready - Mac OS and Windows.
- Fast Search feature to efficiently find a contact.
- Correspondence Layouts to efficiently generate letters, faxes and E-mail.
- Powerful Email System - allows you to send personalized Emails with HTML (images/styled text) and/or Text format directly from FileMaker Pro to an individual or a group of contacts. It also allows you to include attachments.
- Robust Keyword System to organize contacts into groups.
- Robust Follow-Up System.
- Robust History System.
- Robust Batch Functions for creating/assigning Follow-Ups, History and Keywords.
- Letter Template Library - Create and edit a list of predefined letters that can be easily pasted into correspondence layouts.
- Special Events Management - Track birthdays, anniversaries, etc.. of your clients, family and friends, etc.
- Validation - We have added a variety of validation routines to minimize the entry of bad data.
- US Zip Code Lookup - Will lookup city and state after you type in the zip code.
- Hawaii Demographic Lookup - When you type in a Hawaii zipcode, it will automatically lookup the island. Also shows a Oahu region (i.e. Central Honolulu, Windward, Leeward, etc.) if applicable.
- Japanese module available.
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